Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Enter Caveman

Hello loves, if you are reading this, you are probably wondering just what it is I am thinking. Or you're lost and don't know how you go to my blog...

Where to begin... can someone please inform me as to when it became socially acceptable for my entire 6th hour gov class to be nothing but a liberal agenda for an entire hour? Fer real people, can any one honestly tell me that the entire class isn't based around liberal propaganda? Big Poppa B(Mr. Breztman)(my blog, my rules) himself has openly admited to his liberal status. I have had numorous conversations with people in my class and 7th hour who agree with me about my feelings that the class has a huge political spin on it. Honestly... I DO NOT CARE IF YOU LIKE BARACK OBAMA, HILLARY CLINTON, ADOLPH HITLER, OR MICHAEL JACKSON! IT IS COMPLETELY IRELEVANT TO ME. JUST DON'T COME INTO MY LIFE AND PREECH TO ME. or bother me for that matter... I am far from being above physical violence and if it were up to me(lucky for you it is not) I would jack several of the kids in our school in the face, not because of their political alliances, but because of their sheer ignorance about it. I'm sorry but politics isn't a freaking band wagon. You can't change you're political stance to fit in and not expect me to find you quite ignorant. Anddddd I am sick of the whole "my dad hates(fill in blank) and I just happen to like him/her" what a strange coincendence that people who do not get along with one of their parents would be totally opposed to that parents choice of a candidate. Obviously any one can tell me that they like a candidate for his possition or that they've always liked the candidate, and I can not dissprove anything of the sort because I lack the resources, time, effort, or concern to do so, but I really can not beleive that the massive amount of people I meet in a single day nearly all agree on one candidate.

Also, please do not come to me with arguements about how a particular candidate is great and give me reasons why. Obviously you will not come up to me and tell me why your candidate is bad, but really people, every candidate can be argued as a good guy depending on what issues you look at. Don't pick and choose what facts your bring to me, I'll research on my own.

Have a nice day,
-Corey Matthew Anderson