Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Caveman is Angry

OK. I was promised a debate, and I did not get one. I need to take this out on someone.

"We have the right to Health care." - John Brinkman. Um... wait... Johnny Boy which amendment was that? I don't recall that one. I'm sorry, but I don't see a reason to pay for someone else's health care when I have my own problems to worry about. I do not in any way feel obligated to do any thing of the sort. And I'm curious about how these people who feel obligated to help someone get medication for every mundane reason are the same people who feel its OK to kill a baby(but Caveman, you can't put negative spin on that like that. And why not? Killing babies is what you are doing.) and they are also the same people who would love to leave Iraq and watch it implode on itself. But if that isn't good enough logic, since half of my arguments fall on deaf ears... Is it weird that I seem to be paying for medicare for sick people who can't work and can't afford to support themselves, and soon Universal Health care... Why does it seem like liberals are trying their damnedest to just take away any personal responsibility whats so ever? And how do we pay for universal health care if McCain, Clinton, and Obama all want to lower the middle classes taxes? Isn't that a vast majority of the people in our country?

Caveman, I feel we should regulate green house gas producers... Do you realize, as far as the UN is concerned, 90% of green house gases come from cattle? Should I regulate these cows? Should I tell farmers to inform their cows that they are not aloud to pass flatulence more then twice a day or I'll force them to pay fines?

Speaking of green house gases... and gas in general... Why are people in my class who drive to school everyday talking to me about gas prices and global warming? I'm sorry, but MSNBC used to have an article talking about China facing their 'coldest winter in 100 years'. Else where I found articles about Saudi Arabia's coldest winter in 20 years and Canada's coldest January in 15 years. Explain? OK then, maybe global warming isn't a huge problem, but surely it is a problem, right? Well, I'd debate that one, but for the sake of you sticking around and listening, I'll give you that one. So then, my friends, I still don't understand how you people can tell me that you care for the gas crisis and global warming when half of you haven't walked over a mile to get some where you could drive to in years, most of you drive alone to school, and none of you take the bus! I understand that car pools are hard to come by. Its not like 90%+ of the kids in your school live within 10 minutes of your house... God forbid you have to walk some where either...

Now then... I really can't talk to you about the war seeing as either you feel we should be in Iraq for reasons of keeping Iraq from imploding and Iran taking over, or you feel its none of our business, and there is no real changing sides. And if there was a way for me to change your mind, someone would have done it by now. Although, I must tell you that the argument that we should bring our troops home for their sake is ridiculous. You do realize that our current troops ALL VOLUNTEERED. TRUST ME, IF YOU KNOW THERE IS A WAR GOING ON, OUR TROOPS REALIZE IT TOO. By the way, Barack's website states that our marines and army corps are facing a "crisis" due to the fact that 40% of their equipment is either in Iraq or being repaired. I agree, this is a great concern. I am very concerned by these facts. I mean, what happened to the other 60% of my armed forces? Did I loose something? This is the Army we are talking about, not the National Guard. And what I mean by that is the fact that our Army isn't supposed to be in our own country fighting! They are supposed to be deployed! Who else am I fighting that 60% of my soldiers are else where? Should I bring all of my Army equipment back to the U.S.? Are tanks and rocket launchers in high demand state side? Am I going to quell a riot in Gary Indiana with a tank or a rocket launcher? Really Obama, where do you want my tanks to be? Nebraska? How about the Canadian border? A "crisis"?! Ha!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Please don't kill babies...

But Caveman, don't you think that people should have the right to kill a life that they have brought into the world? No... Not really...

But Caveman, its their body their choice! Yep... and that baby should have just as much choice about whats done to his or her body as well...

But Caveman, (as a story I was told today went) I have a friend who got pregnant when she was 15 and she had an abortion and it really helped her life... what say I? I say that lots of things would help people out, that doesn't make them justifiable. The nerve of me thinking that a 15 year old should be held accountable for something she did of her own free will. The nerve of me thinking that certain laws should be made even if they hinder someones life. Why, the very idea of hindering someone simply becuase its their fault they are in the situation seems like blasphamy now that I think about it. Why don't we just release all the people from prison right now because lets face it, their life would be plenty better if they weren't in there. Hell, some of them are only in their because of something as little as... say... killing a baby...

Don't kill babies, please.
Have a nice day!
-Corey Matthew Anderson

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Caveman Ways

Ok, I am sick of arguing with people about Republicans and Democrats. Lets just throw this out there:I HAVE ENDORSED NO ONE. I AM MORE MODERATE THAN ANYTHING.

I do not approve of gay marriage, but approve far less of harrasing homosexuals.

I do not approve of abortion, but there is no answer to the question "what if they were raped"(please don't tell me stories of rape in justifaction of abortions, I don't really feel like being sick today).

Illegal immigrants do not really bother me. A guest worker plan(which was endorsed by both Bush and Hillary) would probably clear a lot of problems up.

The war in Iraq is drawing to a close. Not because we are leaving, but because the troop swarms are working. This is my belief, don't believe me if you don't want to. And I will do the same to you.

Iran and Syria are starting to piss me off like none other...

Univeral Health Care is wishful thinking. No one will say "not everyone deserve health care" so stop saying that you feel everyone does, it is rather obvious. I just foresee too many problems.

Guns are property and do not need to be controlled (Assualt Weapons are debatable).

The problems with the welfare system are unbeknownced to me and I have no legs to stand on in that debate.

I love Capitalism.

Unwarrented wire taps are justifiable as long as you do not over do it. It doesn't effect me enough to care.

Embrionic Stem Cell research involves abortions and henceforth is not approved of by the Cave Man Army(CMA)(Corey Mattew Anderson). Fetal tissue of the embilical can be used to do stem cell research though.

Cloning seems a lot like playing God... it bothers me...

That is all I feel like touching on. I really can't think of anything else anyway, besides things with huge amounts of possible options such as Homeland Security. Now, if you don't like something I posted, leave a post. And when you are done doing that, I want who evers reading this to leave me a post of their stances on the things that I talked about. Quite frankly, I don't care who you endorse nearly as much as I care what you think about important issues. Trust me, people I know matter far more to me then people I don't(ei Obama Hillary and McCain).

Have a nice day.
-Corey Matthew Anderson

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Enter Caveman

Hello loves, if you are reading this, you are probably wondering just what it is I am thinking. Or you're lost and don't know how you go to my blog...

Where to begin... can someone please inform me as to when it became socially acceptable for my entire 6th hour gov class to be nothing but a liberal agenda for an entire hour? Fer real people, can any one honestly tell me that the entire class isn't based around liberal propaganda? Big Poppa B(Mr. Breztman)(my blog, my rules) himself has openly admited to his liberal status. I have had numorous conversations with people in my class and 7th hour who agree with me about my feelings that the class has a huge political spin on it. Honestly... I DO NOT CARE IF YOU LIKE BARACK OBAMA, HILLARY CLINTON, ADOLPH HITLER, OR MICHAEL JACKSON! IT IS COMPLETELY IRELEVANT TO ME. JUST DON'T COME INTO MY LIFE AND PREECH TO ME. or bother me for that matter... I am far from being above physical violence and if it were up to me(lucky for you it is not) I would jack several of the kids in our school in the face, not because of their political alliances, but because of their sheer ignorance about it. I'm sorry but politics isn't a freaking band wagon. You can't change you're political stance to fit in and not expect me to find you quite ignorant. Anddddd I am sick of the whole "my dad hates(fill in blank) and I just happen to like him/her" what a strange coincendence that people who do not get along with one of their parents would be totally opposed to that parents choice of a candidate. Obviously any one can tell me that they like a candidate for his possition or that they've always liked the candidate, and I can not dissprove anything of the sort because I lack the resources, time, effort, or concern to do so, but I really can not beleive that the massive amount of people I meet in a single day nearly all agree on one candidate.

Also, please do not come to me with arguements about how a particular candidate is great and give me reasons why. Obviously you will not come up to me and tell me why your candidate is bad, but really people, every candidate can be argued as a good guy depending on what issues you look at. Don't pick and choose what facts your bring to me, I'll research on my own.

Have a nice day,
-Corey Matthew Anderson