Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Caveman Ways

Ok, I am sick of arguing with people about Republicans and Democrats. Lets just throw this out there:I HAVE ENDORSED NO ONE. I AM MORE MODERATE THAN ANYTHING.

I do not approve of gay marriage, but approve far less of harrasing homosexuals.

I do not approve of abortion, but there is no answer to the question "what if they were raped"(please don't tell me stories of rape in justifaction of abortions, I don't really feel like being sick today).

Illegal immigrants do not really bother me. A guest worker plan(which was endorsed by both Bush and Hillary) would probably clear a lot of problems up.

The war in Iraq is drawing to a close. Not because we are leaving, but because the troop swarms are working. This is my belief, don't believe me if you don't want to. And I will do the same to you.

Iran and Syria are starting to piss me off like none other...

Univeral Health Care is wishful thinking. No one will say "not everyone deserve health care" so stop saying that you feel everyone does, it is rather obvious. I just foresee too many problems.

Guns are property and do not need to be controlled (Assualt Weapons are debatable).

The problems with the welfare system are unbeknownced to me and I have no legs to stand on in that debate.

I love Capitalism.

Unwarrented wire taps are justifiable as long as you do not over do it. It doesn't effect me enough to care.

Embrionic Stem Cell research involves abortions and henceforth is not approved of by the Cave Man Army(CMA)(Corey Mattew Anderson). Fetal tissue of the embilical can be used to do stem cell research though.

Cloning seems a lot like playing God... it bothers me...

That is all I feel like touching on. I really can't think of anything else anyway, besides things with huge amounts of possible options such as Homeland Security. Now, if you don't like something I posted, leave a post. And when you are done doing that, I want who evers reading this to leave me a post of their stances on the things that I talked about. Quite frankly, I don't care who you endorse nearly as much as I care what you think about important issues. Trust me, people I know matter far more to me then people I don't(ei Obama Hillary and McCain).

Have a nice day.
-Corey Matthew Anderson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny, look here Bush don't want even talking to Iran because it keeps dissidents in jail, but that's exactly what Israel does, keeps Arab and Jewish dissidents in jails. Why don't Bush stop talking to Israel?